How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Naturally

90% of women get pregnancy stretch marks. Most assume it’s just genetics. But there ARE things you can do. Here’s how to get rid of stretch marks naturally.

About 90% of women get pregnancy stretch marks and assume it's genetics but there actually IS a way to prevent and even treat stretch marks naturally.

About 90% of women get pregnancy stretch marks, even if they’ve never had stretch marks before. So to say that they are common is an understatement.

Personally, I think our “mama marks” are beautiful. We’ve earned them, after all! But, when it comes to swimsuit time, some mamas are looking for natural ways to fade or prevent pregnancy stretch marks.

We’ll talk about the different remedies you can try in this post. (And none of them involve lasers!)

Stretch Marks Video: 8 Ways to Prevent Stretch Marks Naturally

What Causes Pregnancy Stretch Marks?

Pregnancy stretch marks aren’t any different than stretch marks you get at other times of your life. Rapid growth or weight gain causes the middle layer of skin (the dermis) to tear due to the skin not being able to stretch with the fast growth of the body.

This often happens during adolescents when stretch marks are more likely to appear on upper arms, thighs, belly and breasts.

During pregnancy, stretch marks are usually found on the belly and breast, the two spots that grow the most.

American Pregnancy presents another possible reason that stretch marks are common during pregnancy:

“The second factor, which is still a subject of debate among experts, involves the priming of the skin by increased levels of hormones in pregnancy. Together, these hormones attract more water into the skin, which relaxes the bonds between collagen fibers. This makes it easier for the skin to tear when it is stretched and for stretch marks to form.”

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Why Do Some Women Get Pregnancy Stretch Marks and Others Don’t?

Studies suggest stretch marks are due to genetics. But there’s good news even if you may be predisposed: There are things you can do to improve your skin’s elasticity so that when it needs to stretch, it can.

Improving your skin’s health will help improve its elasticity as well as give it the building blocks to heal scars—including stretch marks.


Staying hydrated can be tough when you’re pregnant but it’s essential for preventing stretch marks and having a healthy pregnancy.

Drink about 64 fluid ounces of water a day (more if you sweat a lot). Keep your electrolytes in balance with this homemade electrolyte drink.

Real food diet

As with pregnancy acne, it’s best to start healing from the inside out.

Many women have found that following a real food diet has prevented them from getting more stretch marks and even healed old ones! It makes sense too. Our bodies need certain building blocks to produce collagen (the stuff that makes our skin elastic), so without those essential building blocks from real, nutrient-dense food our skin and body suffer.

Eat a superstar pregnancy diet including whole foods like pastured meat, poultry, organ meats, and eggs, and stick with organic local produce when possible.

Also, be sure to eat enough quality fats from healthy sources, like pastured butter, coconut oil, virgin olive oil, etc.

These basic healthy eating principles which may help you in preventing stretch marks.


Gelatin is HUGE in supporting healthy skin.

Gelatin from grass-fed animals contains the amino acids glycine and proline, which are literally building blocks to collagen.

You can get gelatin into your diet from homemade bone broth or gelatin snacks like these gummy bears.

I like this gelatin the best because its sourced from healthy, grass-fed cows.

If you want to learn more about the powers of gelatin and how to include into your diet, be sure to check out this informative ebook.

Vitamins and minerals

Your body also needs vitamins A, C, & E, and zinc to produce collagen. All of these building blocks work together and are best obtained from real food sources.

  • Get bio-available vitamin A from liver or cod liver oil.
  • You can find vitamin C from many fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, and my favorite, camu camu powder!
  • Vitamin E is found in spinach, nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil, and especially red palm oil.
  • Zinc can be found in seafood, beef, lamb, nuts, seeds, spinach, mushrooms, and especially oysters.

Balance your fatty acids

Balance your omega 3 to 6 ratio by reducing the amount of omega 6s you eat (specifically from processed foods) by supplementing with cod liver oil.

Cod liver oil is not only high in healthy omega 3s, but contains vitamin A and D. Omega 3 fatty acids help to strengthen the skin cell’s membrane, improving elasticity.

Consume enough sulfur

Sulfur is another building block necessary for collagen production. One study found that animals who ate a low sulfur diet produced less collagen than those who had adequate levels of sulfur.

You can find sulfur in many meats, eggs, and cruciferous vegetables (like kale, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts).

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Naturally

It seems most women focus just on lotions and potions to treat their stretch marks, but you really need to go at it holistically, which is why I talk about diet and nutrition first.

Having said that, there are some great things you can apply topically to help you pregnancy stretch marks. (These can also help with itchy skin!)

This study, focused on a product that contained vitamin E and rosehip oil, found that they significantly reduced women’s stretch marks.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that olive oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, vitamin E, Geranium essential oil, and rosehip oil are all skin nourishing products that can be combined and applied to the belly to reduce stretch marks.

Many women have found that using the oils and butters listed above have even helped eliminate stretch marks.

How Do Oils and Butters Work to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Naturally?

Oils and butters work by moisturizing the skin, and their antioxidant properties help eliminate free radicals that can damage the skin.

You can try this belly rub or just use a simpler recipe as seen below.

Natural Stretch Mark Cream



  1. In a double burner, melt your coconut oil and cocoa butter.
  2. Pour into glass container.
  3. Let cool so that it’s skin temperature.
  4. Add in your other oils and blend with immersion blender.
  5. Seal lid and store in cool, dark place.
  6. Apply 2-3 times per day directly on stretch marks.

Final Thoughts About How to Get Rid of Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Pregnancy stretch marks are very common and symbolize everything our bodies have been through with carrying life. Many women wear their “mama marks” with pride!

However, if you’re concerned about getting stretch marks, or if you want to get rid of stretch marks, give some of these natural remedies a try.

How about you?

Did you have pregnancy stretch marks? Did you embrace them? Try to fade them? Let us know in the comments below!


Genevieve Howland

About the Author

Genevieve Howland is a doula and childbirth educator. She is the bestselling author of The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth and creator of the Mama Natural Birth Course. A mother of three, graduate of the University of Colorado, and YouTuber with over 135,000,000 views, she helps mothers and moms-to-be lead healthier and more natural lives.


  1. Hi! I am allergic to almond. Can I omit that from the recipe? Is there something you recommend instead? Thank you!

  2. I have stretch marks on my stomach that I’ve had since I was a kid. Ive been only using stretch mark removal dermalmd serum daily and so far I’ve seen a noticable difference in the color of my stretch marks. In less then a week my stretch marks went from dark to light pink almost non visible.

  3. Hello! I just registered for your birthing class and I’m also looking forward to making this cream, as I’ve been making my own balms for years. Curious whether it’s important to use the solid type of cocoa butter vs the creamy spreadable kind (didn’t know how much the addition of oils would change the solidity and I’ve read a few comments about it not firming up enough)? I am always at a loss on this when various recipes include Shea butter as well since there’s so many types! The solid blocks of any butter are hard to measure out…
    Thanks for your help!

    • Shea butter wafers are a great option for solid shea AND for measuring! This is definitely the type I would recommend.

  4. I have always gotten stretch marks from weight loss and gain my whole life. I was sure pregnancy would wreck my skin. I used Dermalmd Stretch Mark Removal religiously 1-2 times daily I’m on baby #2 and so far so good not a single stretch mark.

  5. So I tried making the stretch mark cream yesterday. And I have put it in a cool dark place, but when I checked this m,opening, it still hasn’t solidified, not even close. Does anyone know how many day it take for it to do so? Or can someone from the MamaNatural Team give some guidance. Just want to be sure I’m not waiting for weeks for this to solidify only to find out I didn’t do something quite right. Lol Thanks!

    • It could be that where you’re storing it isn’t quite cool enough! Maybe try storing it in a cooler location–putting it in the fridge for a few hours may help. You can always use it safely even if it is not fully solidified.

  6. I highly endorse dermalmd serum for Stretch mark, Well I Used dermalmd stretch mark removal serum when my belly started to grow in pregnancy. I’m very stretch mark prone and this kept them to a minimum! I didn’t even get them until the last week of my pregnancy, and even then they’re minimal. I do believe this stretch mark removal helped that! Smells good and soaks in fast.

  7. I read everywhere that I should avoid vitamin A, even natural sources like liver. But on here you’re telling us to take vitamin A. I’m confused.

  8. Dermalmd stretch mark removal treatment did wonders for me throughout my first pregnacy. Not a single stretch mark! I’m the use of it again for my second pregnancy and although i have one stretch mark I’ve made it all of the way into my third trimester. And it is significantly lightened my c section scar.

  9. I hated my tummy skin and thighs just because of cellulite, and I do now see a difference with cellulite serum of dermalmd brand for sure. Although I like to use this serum more under my arms and under my chin, in which I see more of a difference in these areas while using the product.

  10. Is this 20 drops all together? Or 20 drops of each of those 3 essential oils, meaning 60 drops all together?

  11. Aftermarket research and people recommendation I Brought dermalmd stretch mark serum 6 weeks after my baby was born and it is brilliant, at the end of my pregnancy my stretch marks just grew so quickly and we’re all over my legs my belly and on my pelvic bone, they are now clearing up so well all because of this bigger. Would recommend it to anyone!

    • Do you happen to know if it’s a non toxic product?

  12. I did not manage to escape without stretch marks after giving birth to my son (despite my efforts to apply cocoa butter religiously while pregnant). I found lots of improvement in the appearance of my stretch marks with something called DermalMD Stretch Mark serum. It has been awesome to have and now with the summer months and warm weather I don’t feel as shy with my belly area.

  13. Wow this is amazing!! I also had lots of stretch marks after giving birth to my son, especially on my stomach and thighs. The treatment that helped me a lot to get rid of them was dermalMD serum treatment!

    • Where can I find the DermalMD serum? Do they sell it in stores? I was lucky enough to only get a few stretch marks around my bellybutton area with my 2 previous pregnancies, I’m only 21wks into my 3rd pregnancy and I’m already seeing old ones are more pronounced and new ones are forming already. ??

  14. My 5 year old son noticed my many belly stretch marks and said they looked like a tiger, so I call them my tiger stripes. I’m not too embarrassed by them, especially since they’ve faded a lot over time. I did have some already from puberty on my hips and boobs.

    My son does occasionally remember about my tiger stripes at strange times, and informs random people about them. It always makes for a funny conversation, but I honestly don’t mind.

    • Cute!

  15. I’m just using castor oil to treat my stretch marks.Thanks for this.

  16. I am trying dermalmd and this serum absolutely is no sticky body at all…. safe product, with no compromise over hygiene and safety, also focusing on body needs This brand is what I was looking for.

  17. I was in my second month, and throughout the whole pregnancy I used the Somaluxe Stretch Mark Cream because its 100% chemical free. I used it twice a day, and three times per day during the last trimester. I continued to use it for one more month postpartum. I don’t have stretchmarks at all! It works perfectly. (I also drank a lot of water during my pregnancy (at least 10-12 glasses per day), I read it also helps you with stretchmarks and swolleness.

  18. I didn’t get any stretch marks during pregnancy after using dermelastic serum everyday. Can’t say it’s all due to this seum because I also just got lucky probably. But it didn’t hurt to use it!!

  19. I have stretch marks on my butt. A cousin told me if I get itchy during pregnancy, use moisturizer, and rub but DON’T scratch. I only lotioned my belly one day and the sides of my butt and thighs had gotten itchy. Without even thinking I scratched and have some gorgeous claw marks to show for it. I’m just glad I can cover it up lol.

  20. I am suffering with stretch marks since 2 years. Tried several treatments but nothing works. No pregnancy, no birth control pills, no fats . Can’t understand why am i suffering with these stretch marks. Now i am trying some home remedies. I hope these would be effective for me.

  21. My baby is about 3 months old and I’ve been using dermalmd stretch mark serum since about week 2 postpartum, and I can tell a huge difference. My stretch marks aren’t gone but they have certainly lightened up a lot, and they were dark and deep before using Mederma. It does take time to see results so as long as you’re patient with the product, you’ll probably see results too! I plan to continue using it to see if it will still be working to lighten them up.

  22. I used Dermalmd Stretch Mark Serum during pregnancy to prevent stretch marks, and it worked! My mom had a lot of stretch marks, so I was paranoid. I rubbed this serum on diligently twice a day and made it through pregnancy without any stretch marks. It also has a nice smell, particularly compared to a couple other stretch mark creams I tried.

  23. I’m in week 40 of my pregnancy with no stretch marks. I am on my 3rd order of dermalmd stretch mark serum. They last me about a month each and I started using around week 24. I do not have a genetic history of stretch marks (Mom, Sister), but still wanted to make sure I took care of my growing stomach and prevented what I could. Seems to have worked!

  24. stretch marks is big problem in women.many women has these marks on the body .so take some natural tips lemon olive oil and aloevera are useful to get rid of stretch marks.

  25. I used dermalmd stretch mark serum my entire pregnancy which went full term (only 2 days early) and after and didn’t have any stretch marks on my stomach!! I did go through 5 or 6 of these though so stock up!! 🙂

  26. My stretch marks were from my 1st pregnancy where I gained almost 40 lbs. I started using dermalmd stretch mark serum and appears that it helped reduced my stomach/belly stretch marks. I also use it for my 2 laser tattoo removals and few acne scars on my face to help heal and reduce the scar appearance.

  27. I had stretch marks from pregnancy and previous stretch marks from my weight fluctuating and my marks are lightening up already, I’ve only used dermelastic serum for about a month and I’m loving the results I will be ordering more! Oh and it’s also good for dark spots on your face!

    • What’s in the ingredients? I can’t seem to find any info online. Thx!

  28. On my second pregnancy and I use dermelastic serum a few times a week. It faded the marks I had from my first (quite a few). I’m now 32 weeks with our second and so far no new stretch marks! It’s probably helped that I kept weight gain a little more in check this pregnancy but still, I’m impressed.

  29. I did not get any stretch marks during my first pregnancy because I was constantly using oil on my stomach. Well, for my second pregnancy, I neglected to do that and I was left with these horrible deep purple stretch marks! I didnt even realize my skin could do this! I tried everything! I even did laser. The laser does work a little but but its so not worth the money. The only thing I can recommend is the Lady Soma Stretch Mark Treatment. It does not work over night, but I have been using the Lady Soma Stretch Mar treatment for 3 months now and I am seeing better results with that cream than with the laser Again, its not a miracle cure! But if you keep using, you will see results that are better than laser. Good luck!

  30. I got dermalmd stretch mark cream for my daughter who is starting to develop stretch marks from growing. It’s working great and the redness is fading.

  31. I am 33 never had any stretch marks when I had my little girl almost five years ago an its only been the past two months iv slowly started to get them coming litterally all over my body.. I had blood tests and was told I was very deficient in vitamin d so have been given tabs but does anyone no if this could actually be the cause.. I moisturize with bio oil everyday but its not stopping them coming…I wish I could find something that would . I am allergic to nuts..aloe vera…and coconut so it’s really hard to find something without all of that in ..please help xx

    • Don’t use bio oil! It is literally filled with toxins and will not help any stretch marks. It just smells good. Google the ingredients! Definitely not to use while pregnant. They need to be sued.

  32. Once I found out I was pregnant I began applying the Dr Max Powers Stretch mark Cream to my body everyday. I would apply to my stomach, breasts and hips at least once a day. It kept my body from being dry, itchy & helped build up the elasticity so I wouldn’t get stretch marks. I due in about two weeks and have yet to have one stretch mark appear.

  33. As an amateur artist on my free time I see stretch marks as nature’s drawings on human body, I love observing nature’s patterns which includes mine and my husband’s stretch marks created by rapid growth when we were young. Now I might get some extra from pregnancy (I actually hope so), definitely will love them, honour them, photograph and draw them; they will be my natural tattoos reminding me of something beautiful, the most beautiful time and experience of my life up until now. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…

  34. Hi Mama Natural
    please tell us what vitamin E do you use
    and share a like of where to buy bitter almond oil

    thank you in advance

  35. Same question:
    Where to buy bitter almond oil ? And vitamin E oil?
    Please share a link (the existing link doesn’t work).
    Thank you.

    • My favorite vitamin E oil is the JASON stuff. It’s super clean and works really well. (Also works well for sunburn just by the by!) The higher the concentration (iu) you go, the more expensive, and also the more sticky and gloopy it gets. So unless I’m healing something particular like a wound on my skin, I use the lower concentration ones or mix with another oil like coconut. I think the lowest concentration they have is 5,000 iu. I’ve even put some on my baby registry to help my healing ”down there” 🙂

  36. Mama natural, where can we buy bitter almond oil?

  37. As my weight has changed over the years and being pregnant, I have silver lines/stretch marks on my upper legs and abdomen. I have previously so many creams, but this time I decided to go with the Lady Soma Stretch Mark Cream. I have been it applying on my upper legs and abdomen for just over a week now. The cream absorbs nicely in to the skin, leaving no oily residue behind.

    My skin instantly felt softer and even though I have not seen drastic results, the stretch marks do appear to be a slight fader. Maybe, after using this product for longer than a week, I may see more of an improvement.

  38. which vitamin E oil do you recommend?

    • and which almond oil? Please share a link to “where to buy”

  39. Thank you for this recipe! I made it yesterday and love how moisturizing it feels on my skin, which is especially dry and flakey now at 14 weeks. I replaced bitter almond oil with calendula oil as I was unable to find it at Wholefoods. It had looked like from a little bit of Internet research bitter almond is typically used for scent, so I figured it would be fine to replace with another rich, skin healing oil.

    My ‘cream’ has stayed a liquid however, it is probably around 20-23 degrees in my home. I would prefer for it to be a solid, or at least a semi solid, for ease of transportation. Any suggestions on what I can mix in to achieve a thicker consistency? I’m thinking more cocoa butter.

    • Mine did the same thing too. It is all liquid. It makes it harder to apply.

    • Add a bit of beeswax in the recipe.

      • How much beeswax did you add? Did it help?

    • Mine is the same, totally liquid. I finally put it in the fridge so we’ll see what happens. It feels amazing but really wish it was more of a “butter” consistency. Also everyone keeps mentioning bitter almond oil and I definitely used sweet as I couldn’t find bitter nor did I know that was what was required for the recipe. I wonder if that was the problem ?‍♀️

  40. I’ve fought stretch marks for years. I’ve tried so many products, trying to diminish their appearance, some worked, some didn’t. Dermelastic Serum is working!!!! I’ve only been using it for about a week, but I’m already seeing a difference. The stretch marks are lighter and my skin seems more supple and nourished. I love the aroma of the serum as well, and I don’t have the greasy feel that some serum and creams and lotions leave behind.

    • Since a few months have passed . What are the results now

  41. I don’t care about the appearance of the marks or that I have them. I am looking for relief from the itchiness though. My abdomen is so itchy and nothing is helping with that.

    • Aloe vera gel helped me a lot with the itchiness

  42. I used pure raw Shea butter from Ghana. I have stretch marks from puberty, but the Shea butter kept my skin supple and stretch mark free!

  43. My midwife told me not to use vitamin E on my belly during pregnancy to prevent stretch marks because of something it could do to the placenta….

    How about using YL Gentle Baby blend of essential oils? Has anyone used it for stretch marks and does it work to fade them?

    • I would suggest looking for an organic vitamin E oil, as most all vitamin E oil is derived from GMO soy

  44. My daughter grew so quickly that she had stretch marks on her rear and chest that really embarrassed her. Have been using DermalMD Stretch Mark serum for a couple of weeks now and can really see a difference. They are much lighter, and I can tell that eventually they are going to fade away! She is thrilled! Highly recommend DermalMD to fade away those stretch marks!

  45. I had stretch marks long before pregnancy on my boobs, and thighs from puberty at age 11. I looked like a grown woman in a couple of weeks. They didn’t bother me then and the few that I have on my tummy don’t bother me now. Mine have faded and are practically invisible after sun exposure in the summer. I would like to try your skin cream recipe however for regular use, it’s just a few more ingredients then the lotion bars I make. I like to call my marks my battle scars. I earned them, everyone I knows who had a baby has them and most women who are fuller in figure do as well, so to me, they’re just a part of being a woman.

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