Autumn Name Meaning

Arguably the most beautiful of seasons, Autumn is a wonderful name for a little girl. With cozy nights, stunning leaves, and joyful gatherings, the season has every association needed to be a great name.

Right on the money with the word name trend, Autumn is at home on the charts with her seasonal sister Summer. Spring and Winter are also used, though Summer and Autumn win out in popularity. While she is a word name, she’s avoiding feeling too “wordy”, cementing herself firmly in name territory. This is helped partly due to her similarity in sound to Aubrey and Audrey. She’s also a nature name pick, working well alongside Harper, Hazel, and Paisley.

Autumn’s popularity is relatively new, though her use as a word stretches far beyond that. Despite her newfound popularity, Autumn doesn’t feel trendy. She has a maturity about her that avoids feeling cutesy, giving her a one up over the modern competition. She’s easy to spell and say, making her the perfect pick for a little one.

Autumn is an artist at heart, loving nothing more than painting or sketching if given the chance. She’s always beaming with love and care, bringing her natural warmth and glow into every room she enters.

Infographic of Autumn name meaning, which is Autumn comes from the name of the season, originally derived from the Latin word autumnus.
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Autumn Name Popularity

How popular is the name Autumn? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 0 0%
1912 0 0%
1913 0 0%
1914 0 0%
1915 0 0%
1916 0 0%
1917 0 0%
1918 0 0%
1919 0 0%
1920 0 0%
1921 0 0%
1922 0 0%
1923 0 0%
1924 0 0%
1925 0 0%
1926 0 0%
1927 0 0%
1928 0 0%
1929 1,500 5 0.0005%
1930 0 0%
1931 0 0%
1932 0 0%
1933 0 0%
1934 0 0%
1935 0 0%
1936 0 0%
1937 0 0%
1938 0 0%
1939 0 0%
1940 0 0%
1941 0 0%
1942 0 0%
1943 0 0%
1944 0 0%
1945 0 0%
1946 0 0%
1947 0 0%
1948 0 0%
1949 0 0%
1950 0 0%
1951 0 0%
1952 1,533 11 0.0006%
1953 1,980 5 0.0003%
1954 1,882 6 0.0003%
1955 1,718 10 0.0005%
1956 1,069 50 0.0026%
1957 1,147 42 0.0022%
1958 1,318 27 0.0014%
1959 1,455 20 0.0011%
1960 1,421 23 0.0012%
1961 1,139 51 0.0027%
1962 1,105 51 0.0028%
1963 1,117 49 0.0027%
1964 1,186 42 0.0024%
1965 1,102 46 0.0028%
1966 984 61 0.0039%
1967 1,043 52 0.0034%
1968 1,109 48 0.0032%
1969 906 86 0.0056%
1970 742 148 0.0093%
1971 637 208 0.0138%
1972 555 252 0.0185%
1973 547 261 0.0201%
1974 350 578 0.0445%
1975 286 814 0.0633%
1976 254 909 0.0705%
1977 228 1,072 0.0795%
1978 201 1,282 0.0954%
1979 180 1,482 0.1051%
1980 179 1,520 0.104%
1981 183 1,487 0.1012%
1982 191 1,412 0.0945%
1983 205 1,229 0.0833%
1984 220 1,163 0.0782%
1985 207 1,212 0.0799%
1986 232 1,093 0.0724%
1987 192 1,424 0.0933%
1988 169 1,648 0.1058%
1989 187 1,471 0.0912%
1990 175 1,635 0.0986%
1991 171 1,730 0.1061%
1992 170 1,773 0.1111%
1993 149 2,084 0.1337%
1994 117 2,718 0.1771%
1995 109 2,977 0.1975%
1996 104 3,101 0.2071%
1997 91 3,732 0.2523%
1998 77 4,208 0.2812%
1999 77 4,123 0.2753%
2000 77 4,027 0.2636%
2001 72 4,183 0.2776%
2002 73 4,103 0.2738%
2003 75 4,051 0.2663%
2004 82 3,864 0.2535%
2005 90 3,593 0.235%
2006 94 3,579 0.2286%
2007 90 3,709 0.2351%
2008 87 3,656 0.2365%
2009 81 3,706 0.248%
2010 81 3,514 0.2438%
2011 69 3,758 0.2638%
2012 68 3,774 0.2648%
2013 65 3,950 0.2774%
2014 71 4,059 0.2786%
2015 69 4,112 0.2826%
2016 65 4,022 0.279%
2017 76 3,566 0.2555%
2018 77 3,471 0.2526%
2019 82 3,251 0.2402%
2020 82 3,060 0.2404%
2021 66 3,248 0.2657%
2022 71 3,205 0.2429%

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Wyoming (WY)

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Names Like Autumn

If you like Autumn, you’ll love these other names like Autumn.

What names sound like Autumn?

If you like how Autumn sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Autumn.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender










Elf ruler



Elf ruler



Moderate or reddish brown






Half Danish



Noble strength



Goddess of dawn


What names are similar to Autumn?

Find a name that’s like Autumn, but just a little bit different.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Vocal solo



Aspen tree






Gracious one






Red gemstone






Summer season



Willow tree



Winter season


Lists With Autumn

Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Autumn.

Siblings of Autumn

Mamas with kids named Autumn also have kids with these names.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Ruling princess



God is gracious






Kings meadow.



Free man






Helmeted head



Noble; noble kind



A willing protector



Follower of Dionysius



Devoted to God



Son of the mighty warrior






Ash tree town



  1. I wanted something different and her to have a A name like me and on Top of that she was going to be born in Autumn Season

  2. We chose Autumn because it was the season me and my husband met eachother and dated and also the season we married eachother so it has meaning. There’s nothing I don’t like about her name honestly.

  3. I liked baby names starting with A and Autumn was the season her dad and I started dating

  4. I’ve always thought is was a beautiful name and it’s my favorite time of the year.

  5. My oldest daughter’s name is Autumn. My favorite season. Funny thing is I was a week over due had her on September 23rd 1994 which ended up being the first day of autumn had no clue until my dad told me.. my second daughter’s name is Breeze I had her 2002.. I have my autumn breeze

  6. My husband and I fell in love in the fall, because of this we always liked the name Autumn. When i got pregnant I was so sure I was going to have a boy i mostly focused on boy names. When i found out we were having a girl & reflected on her being due in the fall as well it made sense to stick with the name. Fall/Autumn is a beautiful season of transition and looked upon fondly by most. We love the name and it’s perfect for our first born baby girl.

  7. Autumn is an absolutely beautiful name, and one that I am still considering for my baby girl who is due in late autumn. It’s just lovely! Also, it seems to flow well with many different middle names.

  8. Always loved the season and love the name – it just fits!

  9. I seen it in baby names

  10. Always loved the name of the season and waned her name to reflect its beauty.

  11. I was born in the August of 1987 my mom decided to split the names she had picked for my older sister (who was born 3 years earlier in July) for the next child, not knowing if she would have another girl, and luckily I got Autumn. She then went on to have 3 more kids and I have to say she picked out some really cool names!

  12. Autumn was my grandmother’s name although she went by her middle name.

    I worry the name will get more popular because it’s so beautiful. I hope not, being rare makes it all the more special.

    • Tina,
      May I ask what year was your grandmother born? The reason I ask is that I am writing a novel and I have named one of the primary characters “Autumn” but I noticed in the survey chart of the different decades that the name “Autumn” didn’t start appearing in the States till the early 50’s and my character is born in 1949, same year as my birth. Can you please find out when your grandmother was born. Autumn is a beautiful name for a female fictional character.
      Thanks so much for your help.
      Bobby Akin

  13. I choose Autumn for my first born daughter who was born in the fall(autumn) and her name wasn’t very popular and I liked it very much. She has 2 middle names RoseMarie
    I liked the RoseMarie together and I have many female relatives with the marie middle name an first name.

  14. I needed a name that started with the letter A and since Autumn is my favorite time of year that’s the name I chose.

  15. We had a heck of a time figuring out where to start. We dud have some “favorites” but they were each knocked down by the partner. My husband suggested that we pull one of those “top 100” names list, then each go through the list and narrow down names from there…that did not work. In the end none of his final names matched my final names. So the next step, we went bigger.

    I found a 1000 baby girl name list, and repeated the same process. But that proved tedious, because that is 1000 names! So, on our next long car ride together we brought the list and as I said the names aloud (the name just resonates differently aloud than in your head) we had a 2 rules: 1) any apprehension, the name stays: the thought: something drawing you to the name, 2) any one who has a hard NO on a name immediately overrides any apprehension or like of the other (in the end we want a name that we both can agree to and love). We went down from 1000 to 100 this way, then 100 to 40, then 40 to 10. We were both surprised by out top 10 because we had thoughts of our “favorites” but none of them were present.

    This was done around 20 weeks. I being one of the most indecisive people in the world held onto that list until the day of her birth. I would teeter between one name then next week another. My husband was frustrated because he wanted a name now, but he was very patient with me. In the end we chose the name for a few reasons: 1) Autumn is our favorite time of year, 2) it was unique to us, as we did know many/any Autumn’s, 3) it flowed well with her middle name Elizabeth (my husband liked that name for its seemingly infinite possible nicknames; it was not one of my tops, but it was agreeable as a middle name with Autumn).

    • My name is Autumn Elizabeth! I love that my mother chose it for me. I do get the occasional “hey spring” or “see you next fall” jokes, but i overall really enjoy my name. I’m sure your daughter will, too.

  16. Born in the fall perfect for a girl!

  17. We chose the name Autumn because it is one of the only names my husband and I could agree on.
    I like it because it isn’t that common where we live but it isnt too far out there.
    Plus Autumn/Fall is my favorite season!

  18. My dad named her Autumn. He passed away four months after she was born.

  19. Her father named

  20. It’s different and I had her in the Autumn (October)

  21. Well initially she’s was going to be named after her dad, but he declined. One day while at work(Walmart), new modules where coming in(summer out, fall in). I noticed a door hanger stating HELLO AUTUMN! I fell in love with the name. I’ve always love the fall months and colors. So, being that she would make her arrival in fall, what other name could she have had other than Autumn Faith. My pumpkin of joy!!

  22. Both mine and her daddy’s favorite season of the year.

  23. My husband and I both have names that start with A, so we wanted to continue the pattern for our children. We both liked the name Autumn because we thought it was pretty, and we like that it’s not a super common name yet it’s not unusual. I also like that people can easily spell and pronounce it. Autumn is also my favorite season but that wasn’t really a deciding factor, more of an added bonus 😉

    • k

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