Middle Names for Boys That Are Totally Awesome We’ve searched high and low for the best mix of middle names for boys. Whether you love a timeless pick or seek something modern, check out our list here! Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Aaron High mountain Hebrew Adam Man Hebrew Adler Eagle German Adrian From Hadria Latin Aiden Little fire Irish Ajax “The birdman,” from the Greek aia. Greek Alcott The old cottage English Alessio Defender of man Italian Alexander Defender of man Greek Alfred Elf or magical counsel English Ali Sublime Arabic Allen Little rock English Anakin Warrior American Andres Manly Spanish Andrew Manly and powerful Greek Angel Messenger of God Greek Angelo Messenger of God Italian Ansel Follower of a nobleman French Anthony Unknown meaning Latin Antonio Unknown meaning Italian Apollo Destroyer Greek Archer Bowman English Arthur Bear Celtic Asher Happy and blessed Hebrew Atlas Enduring Greek Atticus From Attica Latin Audric Old German Austin Great English Avery Elf counsel English Axel My father is peace Scandinavian Bancroft Field of beans English Barlow The bare hillside English Baxter Baker English Benedict Blessed Latin Benito Blessed Latin Benjamin A favorite son Hebrew Bennett Blessed English Blaze Stutter Latin Bodhi Awakening Indian (Sanskrit) Bradley Broad meadow English Brady Descendant of Bradach Irish Brayden Son of Bradan Irish Brent Hill, mount English Brixton Stone of Brixi English Brody Ditch Scottish Bronx Bronck's Land American Bryan High and noble English Bryce Speckled English Bryson Son of Brice English Burke From the fortified settlement French Byron At the byres or barn English Caesar Head of hair Latin Cairo Victorious Arabic Caleb Whole heart Hebrew Calix Very Handsome Greek Callahan Bright-headed Irish Cameron Crooked nose Scottish Camilo Helper to the priest Latin Campbell Crooked mouth Scottish Carson Son of Carr Scottish Carter Cart user English Cash Case English Cato All-knowing Latin Charles Free man German Charlie Free man English Chase Hunter English Chauncey Office holder English Christopher Bearing Christ English Clement Merciful Latin Cliff Cliff-side slope English Clifford Cliff-side ford English Clifton Town by the cliff English Clinton Fenced settlement English Clive Cliff, slope English Clyde “The keeper of the keys,” from the Greek Meidion, a key. Scottish Cody Helpful Irish Cole Charcoal English Coleman “The cabbage grower,” from tbe Anglo-Saxon caul (cabbage) and man (a man). Gaelic Colin Cub English Collier Coal miner English Colton Charcoal settlement English Conan Hound, wolf; high Irish Connor Dog lover Irish Constantine Constant, steadfast Latin Cooper Barrel maker English Creighton Border or boundary settlement Scottish Crosby At the cross Scandinavian Cruz Holy cross Spanish Cyrus Lord Persian Dakota Friend and ally Native American Dale Valley English Damian To tame Greek Daniel God is My Judge Hebrew Darius Maintains possessions well Persian Dashiell Unknown English David Beloved Hebrew Dawson Son of David English Declan Full of goodness Irish Demetrius Follower of Demeter Greek Dempsey Proud Irish Derek Ruler of the people English Desmond From South Munster Irish Dex Right-handed, fortunate; one who dyes Latin Dexter Right-handed, fortunate; one who dyes Latin Diego Saint James Spanish Dixon Son of Dick English Dominic Of the Lord Latin Dudley People's field English Duke Leader Latin Dustin Brave warrior; dusty area German Dwight White or blond English Dylan Great tide Welsh Easton East town English Edgar Wealthy spear English Eduardo Wealthy guard Spanish Edward Wealthy guard English Eli Ascension Hebrew Elias My God is Yahweh Hebrew Elijah My God is Yahweh Hebrew Elliot My God is Yahweh English Ellis My God is Yahweh English Emery Home strength English Enoch Trained, vowed, dedicated; profound Hebrew Enos Man Hebrew Enzo From Laurentum Italian Ephraim Fruitful Hebrew Eric Everlasting ruler Scandinavian Essex Eastern English Ethan Enduring and strong Hebrew Evan God is gracious Welsh Everett Brave boar English Ezekiel God will strengthen Hebrew Ezra Help Hebrew Fairbanks Bank along the pathway English Fairfax Blond English Falco Falcon Latin Falcon Bird of prey Latin Fallon Of a royal family Irish Farley Meadow of the sheep; meadow of the bulls English Felix Happy and lucky Latin Fender From the defender English Fenwick Village on the marsh English Fergus Supreme man; highest choice Scottish Ferris “(A man of) iron,” from the Latin ferrum, iron. Irish Fielder The field English Fields Fields; meadows English Finley Fair warrior Scottish Finn Fair Irish Fletcher Arrow-maker English Floyd Gray-haired Welsh Flynn Ruddy-complected Irish Forrest Woodsman; woods French Fox Fox English Francis Frenchman; free man Latin Franco Frenchman; free man Latin Frederick Peaceful ruler German Freedom Freedom English Frey Lord, exalted one Scandinavian Frisco French man; free man Spanish Gabriel God is my strength Hebrew Galen Calm Greek Garner To gather grain English Garrett Spear rule English Garrison Spear-fortified town; protection, stronghold English Gatlin Companion English Gavin Little white falcon Welsh George Farmer Greek Giovanni God is gracious Italian Goodwin Good friend English Grady Descendant of nobility Irish Granger Farmer French Grayson Son of the steward English Gregory Watchful Greek Griffith Strong chief Welsh Guy Wood German Hamilton Flat-topped hill English Harley Hare meadow; the long field English Harrison Son of Harry English Hartley Stag meadow English Hawk Falcon, bird of prey English Heath Heath English Hendrix Son of Hendrick English Henry Home ruler English Homer Security, pledge; hostage Greek Hudson Son of Hudd English Hunter Hunter English Huxley Hugh's meadow English Ian God is gracious Scottish Isaac He will laugh Hebrew Isaiah God is salvation Hebrew Ivan God is gracious Slavic Jace To heal American Jack God is gracious English Jackson Son of Jack English Jacob Supplanter Hebrew James Supplanter English Jameson Son of James English Jarvis “A mender of pots and pans; a tinker.” Based on the Latin gero (carry) and vas (a vessel). French Jason To heal Greek Jasper Treasurer English Javier New house Spanish Jax Son of Jack English Jeremiah God will exalt Hebrew Jesse Gift Hebrew Jett Black English John God is gracious Hebrew Johnson Son of John English Jonah Dove Hebrew Jonas Dove Hebrew Jonathan God has given Hebrew Jones Son of John English Jorah First rain or autumn rain Hebrew Jordan To descend Hebrew Joseph Jehovah will increase Hebrew Joshua God is salvation Hebrew Josiah God supports Hebrew Julian Young at heart Latin Justice To deliver what is just English Kade From the wetlands Scottish Kane Battle Irish Keenan Ancient Irish Kingsley King's meadow English Kirby Settlement by a church German Kirk Church Scandinavian Knox Round hill English Koda Friend Native American Kylo Sky American Lachlan From the land of lakes Irish Lance Lancet French Landon Long hill English Laurence From Laurentum Latin Lee Pasture or meadow English Leland Plowed land English Lennox With many elm trees Scottish Leo Lion Latin Leon Lion Greek Leonardo Brave lion Italian Leonidas Lion strength German Levi Joined together Hebrew Liam Helmet of will Irish Lincoln Lake colony English Lloyd Gray-haired; sacred Welsh Logan Small hollow Scottish Luca From Lucania Italian Lucas From Lucania Latin Lucian Light Latin Luke From Lucania Greek Maddox Son of Madoc Welsh Malachi My messenger Hebrew Mann Man German Marlow Driftwood English Marsden Swampy valley English Marshall Caretaker of horses English Mason Stoneworker English Mateo Gift of God Spanish Matthew Gift of God Hebrew Mattis Gift of God Scandinavian Maverick Independent one American Maxim Greatest Latin Maximilian Greatest Latin Mercer Storekeeper English Merrell Sparkling sea English Michael Who is Like God? Hebrew Milan Eager, laborious or rival; a coming together Slavic Miles Soldier Latin Milo Soldier German Monroe Mouth of the river Rotha, in Ireland Scottish Nehemiah God comforts Hebrew Nicholas Victory of the people Greek Noah To rest Hebrew Nolan Child of nobility Irish Norcross From the north cross roads English Oliver Olive tree English Onyx Precious gemstone Latin Otto Wealth German Owen Noble born Welsh Parker Keeper of the park English Patrick Nobleman Latin Patton Fighter's town English Paxon Poecc's settlement English Paxton Poecc's settlement English Peter Stone Greek Phineas Oracle Hebrew Phoenix Dark red Greek Pierce A variant form of Peter. Greek Pressley Priest's meadow English Raiden Thunder and lightning Japanese Randolph Wolf shield German Red Red color English Redmond A variant spelling of Redmund. German Reed Red English Reid Red-haired English Rex King Latin Rhett Advice English