Middle Names for Girls That Will Rock Your World Finding middle names for girls doesn’t have to be a chore. We’ve scooped up all sorts of names that work well in the middle name position from funky and fun to timeless classics. Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender Aaliyah Highly regarded Arabic Abigail Father’s rejoice Hebrew Acadia Place of plenty French Addison Son of Adam English Adelina Noble kind; small winged one Latin Adeline Noble one German Agnes Pure, holy Greek Alexis Defender Greek Alice Of nobility German Alina Noble one German Allegra Cheerful Italian Allison Noble one German Amara Everlasting one Greek Amber Hue of yellow English Amelia Work German Amina Truthful one Arabic Amity Friendship, harmony Latin Amy Beloved one English Anastasia Resurrection Greek Anaya Free Indian (Sanskrit) Angel Heavenly messenger Greek Angelina Messenger of God Italian Ann He (God) has favored me Hebrew Anna Gracious Hebrew Annabelle Lovable and graceful English Annette A French variant of Anna. French Annika Sweet-faced; He (God) has favored me Hebrew Antonella Daughter of Anthony Italian Arabella Answered prayer Latin Aria Vocal solo English Ariana Most holy Latin Aricella Treasure chest Spanish Ariella Lion of God Hebrew Ashley Ash tree meadow English Asia Sunrise Greek Athena Wise Greek Aubrey Elf ruler English Audrey Noble strength English August To increase Latin Autumn Season of harvest English Ava To live Latin Avery Elf counsel English Bea A diminutive of Beatrice. English Beecher Dweller by the Beech Tree English Bella Beautiful one Italian Bellamy Beautiful friend French Bellatrix Warlike Latin Belle Beautiful French Bemadette Has the courage of a bear German Bethesda House of mercy Hebrew Bette God's promise; God is my oath Hebrew Beverly Beaver stream or meadow English Bianca White Italian Blade Knife or sword English Blaire Plain, field Scottish Blake Black or pale English Blue The Color American Briella God is my strength Italian Brielle God is my strength French Brooklyn Broken land English Calista Cup; fairest, most beautiful Latin Camila Young religious servant Spanish Camille Religious helper French Cara Beloved; friend Latin Carissa Beloved; grace Latin Carmel Garden, orchard Hebrew Carmella Garden, orchard Hebrew Carolina Free man German Caroline Free woman French Cassandra Man's defender, warrior Greek Cassidy Curly haired Irish Catalina Pure Spanish Catarina Pure Greek Catherine Pure Greek Cecelia Blind; sixth Welsh Cecily Blind; sixth Welsh Celeste Heavenly Latin Celine Heaven Latin Charlotte Free man French Cherish To treasure, care for; dear Modern Cherry Cherry fruit English Chicago Onion or Skunk Native American China Country of China Chinese Chloe Green sprout Greek Claire Clear and bright French Clara Bright and clear Latin Claudette A diminutive form of Claudia. French Clover “She who clings lovingly.” From a Germanic base meaning “to adhere.” An allusion to the adhesive property of clover sap. English Collette People of victory French Collins Holly Irish Coral “The sentry,” in allusion to the belief of the ancients that a coral talisman served as a warning against the approach of evil spirits. Latin Coralie A variant form of Coral. English Corinne Maiden Greek Cosette People of victory Greek Crescent Increasing, growing French Cressida Gold Greek Cross Cross English Dahlia Dahlia flower Scandinavian Daniella God is my Judge Italian Davina Beloved Scottish Daya Bird of prey Hebrew December Month of December Latin Delaney From the alder grove English Delilah Delicate Hebrew Desiree Much desired French Destiny Determined fate English Dominica Lord Latin Dream Unconscious vision or thought English Ebony Deep black wood Latin Eden Paradise Hebrew Edith Strife for wealth English Elaine Sun ray, shining light Greek Eleanor Of unknown meaning English Elena Shining light Greek Eliana My God has answered Hebrew Eliza God is my oath English Elizabeth God is my oath Hebrew Ella Other goddess Hebrew Eloise Healthy one English Elora Sun ray, shining light Greek Emberly Created name American Emerald Precious gemstone Spanish Emery Home strength German Emilia To rival Latin Emily To excel Latin Emma Whole or universal German Emmeline Work German Esme To love French Esmeralda Emerald Spanish Esther Star Persian Evangeline Good news English Eve Life, animal Latin Evelyn Desired one English Everly From the boar meadow English Faith Devotion English Fern Fern English Freya Lady Scandinavian Gem Gem, jewel Latin Gemma Precious stone Italian Genevieve Family woman French Georgette Farmer Latin Gianna God is gracious Italian Giselle Pledge French Gloria Glory Latin Grace Gracious one English Hadley Heather meadow English Hailey Hay meadow English Haisley Hazel woods Irish Hannah Grace Hebrew Harmony Perfect unity English Harper Harp Player English Haven Safe place English Hazel Hazelnut tree English Heaven Paradise English Heavenly From the heavens English Helena Sun ray, shining light Greek Henley High field English Holiday Holy day Honey Nectar English Hope Desire to be English Ibis Long-legged Bird Latin Isabella Devoted to God Italian Isabelle God is my oath French Isla Island Scottish Ivory Creamy-white color; hard tusk used for carving fine art, jewellery Latin Ivy Ivy plant English Jacqueline Supplanter French Jade Precious stone English James “The supplanter” English Jane God is gracious Hebrew Jeanette God is gracious French Jessa He sees Hebrew Jetta Home ruler Danish Jolie Pretty French Josephine God will increase Hebrew Josie God will increase English Joy Happiness Latin Joyce Lord Latin Juliette Youthful and downy French Julissa Form of Julius American June Month of June Latin Kaia Pure Scandinavian Kate Pure English Katherine Pure Greek Kathleen An Irish equivalent of Catherine. Irish Kaylie Slim and fair; slender Irish Kendall The Kent river valley English Kendra Greatest champion Welsh Kennedy Helmeted head Irish Khaleesi Warrior American Kylie Boomerang Aboriginal Lady Bread kneader English Larissa Cheerful, lighthearted Latin Layla Night Arabic Leah Weary one Hebrew Leilani Heavenly flower Polynesian Leonora Compassion; light Greek Lillian Lily flower English Lily Lily flower English Lola The sorrows Spanish London From the great river English Louise Famous warrior German Lucia Of the light Italian Lucille Of the light French Lucy Of the light English Luna The moon Latin Lyric Words to a song English Mackenzie Son of Coinneach Scottish Madison Son of Maud English Mae The fifth month English Maeve Intoxicating Irish Magnolia Magnolia flower English Margaret Pearl English Maria Of the sea Latin Mariah Of the sea English Marie A French form of Mary. French Marina From the sea Latin Mary Of the sea Latin Maxine Greatest Latin May The fifth month English Maya Dream Indian (Sanskrit) Meilani Created name Polynesian Melissa Bee Greek Mia Dear Scandinavian Michelle Who is like God? French Mira Wonderful; peace; propserous Spanish Miranda Admirable Latin Naomi Pleasant one Hebrew Natalie Christmas Day French Nerissa Black-haired Italian Nicole Victory of the people French Noelle Christmas Day French Nola “A little bell,” in allusion to the commune of Nola, in Campania, Italy, where bells of excellent quality were first made. Irish Nora Honorable one Latin Nova New Latin Oaklyn Created name American Olivia Olive tree Latin Paisley Church Scottish Pandora All gifts Greek Paris Of unknown meaning Greek Parker Keeper of the park English Patience Enduring, forebearing English Pauline Small Latin Pearl Pearl Latin Penelope Weaver Greek Peony Praisegiving Greek Persephone Bringer of destruction Greek Peyton From Pacca's town English Phoebe Bright and pure Greek Piper Pipe player English Poet Writer of poems English Portia The symbol of a beautiful, wealthy, and brilliant woman, in allusion to the heroine of Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice. Latin Prue Caution, discretion Latin Quinn Descendent of Conn Irish Rachel Ewe Hebrew Rae A diminutive or nickname for Rachel. Hebrew Reagan Descendent of Riagan Irish Rebecca To join Hebrew Remington Settlement by the stream English Renee Reborn French Riley Rye clearing Irish River Flowing body of water English Romy Diminutive of Rosemary and Rosemarie German Rosalie Rose flower French Rose Rose flower English Roxana Dawn Persian Ruby Red gemstone English Sadie Princess Hebrew Sailor Boat Man American Samantha Name of God Hebrew Samara Guardian Hebrew Sarah Princess Hebrew Savannah Large, grassy plain English Scarlett Shade of red English Scout To listen French Selena Moon Spanish Seven The Number 7 American Shirley Bright meadow English Skye Isle of Skye English Skylar Noble scholar English Snow Frozen Rain English Sophia Wisdom Greek Star Celestial body English Stella Celestial star Latin Story Tale American Sunday Sun's day English Talia Heaven's dew Hebrew Tatiana Unknown Russian Taylor Tailor English Teagan Little Poet Irish Theodosia God's gift Greek